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Monday, July 06, 2009

Post #120 Where Has Mike Been?

Well, it has been a long time since my last post. In fact, I did not even do a post for the season finale of LOST. What can I say? I am a slacker. To be honest there has been a ton going on and I feel justified in putting my blogging experiment on the back-burner. Let me clue you in on some of the happenings in my life:

First, Michelle and I have started the process of adoption. We meet with our social worker this weekend. It is a long and sometimes difficult journey, but we are confident that it will definitely be worth it.

In addition to that, we have put down roots with a church home. We have been “homeless” for more than two years. For most of the time, we have been wrestling with what we need and what we can offer in a church community. We found a great place and have started to connect with several people there. In fact that leads me to my third “happening.”

I have been asked to take on the responsibility of organizing and leading the small groups ministry for our church congregation. This is a very important step for me, as this is my first “legitimate” ministry position since finishing my degree. It is a great opportunity and I can’t wait to share some of my thoughts and ideas regarding small groups, discipleship, and Bible study.

So there we have it. This is what I have been busy with for the past month and a half to two months. I sincerely apologize to both of my loyal readers for letting them down regarding the 365 posts in one year. I am going to miss that mark. However, now that I have admitted my negligence, I hope I will be more diligent in posting in the future.

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